Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is it possible to get a false neg with blood test?

I was wondering cause I had a blood test on 3/17 it was BFN, I had sex on 3/2 so it was 3w 1d and I just still feel like I am prego. I know I am crazy but... can anyone help?Is it possible to get a false neg with blood test?
Yes it is very possible. Sometimes the hormones just don't show up in tests. Blood or Urine. It's funny when people comment saying that it can't happen and how they think every girl will have the same experience. EVERY girl is different.Is it possible to get a false neg with blood test?
If you still do not get your period take a hpt or go see your doctor and have the test done again. Best of luck!
My doctor said that any level of hcg would be detected in my blood, so if your test came back negative then you are not pregnant. The urine tests can be fooled be being taken too early but your blood is different. There has to be a certain amount in your urine before it is detectable, but if you ARE pregnant then it is already detectable in your blood at any time.
Yes it's possible. I had a blood test come back negative on 3/7/08 then a few weeks later i took a urine test with the doctor

and i was 5w 2d along!
If you still haven't had your period and you still think you may be pregnant go in for another test. your hormones may just be low and may not have changed that early on. You can try to do another at home test also.

good luck and best wishes!!
If it was too early it can.

To the people who said if the blood test is wrong then you are not pregnant are totally wrong. My doctor told me this month that it can be taken too early and be wrong!
that is not true you can not have a false blood test because it in your b;ood and that always right so don't think that

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