Thursday, February 11, 2010

Will society ever rise up and give up worshiping false gods?

Meaning all make believe external invisible entities which leave no trace but what we imagine with our animal senses. Every generation is born stupid and absorbs the myths taught to them. When will this cycle ever be broken? Instead everyone seems to argue back and forth on Yahoo Answers about it. When will people live in peace or are we just apes using tools and religion is just one, one to get ahead, to fit in and to push various fears and agendas?Will society ever rise up and give up worshiping false gods?
because people need hope, and sometimes believing in something foolish is better than believing in nothing at allWill society ever rise up and give up worshiping false gods?
Why do we need to give up our spiritual beliefs to live in peace with each other?

Honestly, what we need to give up is simply the arguing over who's right and who's wrong. The answer is all of us, and none of us. We need to be more tolerant and respectful of each other despite differences, because no matter what, no two people on earth are going to be exactly the same. We need to get our noses out of the personal business of our neighbors and put our priorities in proper order.

This includes you - your calling others stupid for having spiritual beliefs is, acting like you are superior for your lack belief in any deities, is only adding to the problem, not working toward the solution. ';We must *be* the change we wish to see in the world'; -Mahatma Gandhi

So, if you're not going to give up your arrogance, then do you really have the right to complain about others for the same?

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