I'm wondering if it is illegal or not to put a fake return address with a fake name like Smith Research Institute. Is it considered some sort of fraud to be posing as a fake institute. Like I said, I wouldn't be asking for anything in response.Is it illegal to send a joke letter in the mail with a false return address?
Yes, it is illegal. It is a felony, commonly known as ';mail fraud';.Is it illegal to send a joke letter in the mail with a false return address?
not necessarilly mail fraud, but there are laws against deliberately annoying someone. I believe this was driven home by the history of annoy.com - you might want to check it out.
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Yes, it can be pursued legally! Usually it is pursued as ';harassment';. But, if someone is really pissed off and wants to make it a federal case, they'll prosecute for mail fraud.
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No, but kind of funny. It would only be a crime if you were trying to do it commit a crime. Have fun.
as long as you don't ask for any personal information I think you're alright.
Depends on the name you use any name that you use that is actually real that business could take offense but if you think up a corparate name and make sure it is not a real business then more power to you.
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