Thursday, February 11, 2010

Christians: Do you agree that only false religions would omit these words of wisdom?

';Let your women keep silence in the places of worship: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.

And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the place of worship.';

%26gt; I see wisdom in these words. Wisdom beyond words. Only a non-divine religion would reject these verses. Do you agree?Christians: Do you agree that only false religions would omit these words of wisdom?
I think ';it is so clear now'; answered the question correctly, in fact, 100% perfectly acording to my thinking.

But then, I am the person that struggles with the hadiths. I also think the hadith regarding the beard that Muslim men wear ';was thought, written and spoken'; during a time when Islam was being promoted and the beard was a sign of masculine unity that identified them as Muslim.

Written, during a time of religious war, when it served a purpose.

I believe many things literally from the Bible and the Quran, such as ';man shall not kill';; still makes sense doesn't it? But for us to fail to acknowledge that ';some things'; were written 2009, or respectively 1430 years ago under completely different times, and meant for reasons during those times, is LUDICROUS to me.

I also think that the ';image making'; hadith was meant for those that made IDOLS. (Look up the meaning of the word IDOL) They didn't go buy them at a Pier One shop to decorate their home, but instead made them and worshipped them as God. This was an IDOL. When I buy a painting of an elephant TODAY in 2009, and hang it on the is not an IDOL. I don't pray to it or worship it as they might have 1430 years ago. It is just art.

SO, now that I have given some examples of my thinking, (be I right or wrong) allow me to answer your question: I think it acceptable for women to speak in a place of worship TODAY. But in those times, with women, and many men being illiterate, it may have been the wise decision.

And, I always see your questions idenify you as a forward and deeply critical thinker...what happened to ya here? or are you just bringing some excitement to this place..stirring things up a bit? smile.....Christians: Do you agree that only false religions would omit these words of wisdom?
To understand 1 Corinthians 14:34-36 one must understand what was happening during that early time of the church. Paul had a group of excited people who want to learn or speak in church. This event caused mass confusion to many and great disorder to the church itself. In order to gain control of this situation Paul asked the women to listen first, ask questions second (when there was time to explain what was going on). Remember, Christianity is new. Thus a formed, controlled environment was being encouraged. Just as a mother may silence a child in church, it does not mean he/she can never speak again or be used by God. It was done out of respect in order to help the child and church mature.
no, no I don't see wisdom in this !

unkind faith will support this attitude. not wise shame to ask, probe %26amp; ask for proof. Shame for not speaking %26amp; silence.

Why woman keep silence, Woman is kept silence %26amp; limited that is why she is not that strong about faith awareness as men have.

Silence ?

Disgusting there can be Q %26amp; A why to ask husbands at home, women should be let if not for papacy of course but common religious participation %26amp; awareness then does not seem working in silence !

Sorry but it is pinching point for me !
Misogyny and bias are neither admirable nor wise, nor should they ever be the basis for any reasonable moral system.

Funny how you support a restriction that leaves you in control. I wonder if you'd think these were words of wisdom if you were the one being silenced.
St Paul couldn't even make up his mind as to whether the people who were with him during his ';conversion experience'; heard anything or didn't hear anything...I would hardly take his words to be the ';voice of God';, nor even to give them any importance outside of his historical context.

ACTS 9:7 - they heard the voice

ACTS 22:9 - they didn't hear the voice

Who says there's no contradictions in the Bible?
My gf is better at leading than me... she is better at doing like work than me lol and guess what! my pastor is a woman and she a helluva lot better than the guy pastor. but again i would not trust a woman with her finger on the red button cause one slip up by a country and BOOOOOOOOOOOOM there goes my day lol
There is no God except the God of Man's creation.

Having created God, Man superimposes his prejudices on God and calls it God's will.

Those who cannot see this are wilfully blind.
Since my Lord and Savior said it, I believe it and accept it.

Unfortunately, I know of no Christian churches that follow this command from God.
It is a fact that god did not create women to be leaders. I'm sorry if this upsets you liberals out there, but this is fact. God created each of us with a purpose.
No, I would not. You can be mistaken, or uniformed without being ';false'; or fake. That applies to anyone and any group on any subject. Even ';experts'; have a margin of error.
I see misogyny in those words. Misogyny beyond words.
we are told in revelation not to add or take out anything from God's Word.
St Paul was a misogynist.
I would say get over it. You already asked this once today.
C'mon, you know I was just kidding...
Sexist pig.
Some saint that paul guy must have been
haha. Hmm. What was that saying again? Oh yeah: ';You're taking the Bible out of context.';
they should not be omitted, but at least understood
this is joke right, LOL lol

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