People act positively to the word ';free';. It feels good to receive something that is conceived as such. What people aren't thinking about are the hidden costs of ';free'; items.
When something is handed out for ';free';, the costs associated in researching, manufacturing and promoting the item are not contemplated. The fact that those costs are passed along to paying customers are not thought of.
Countries where socialized healthcare is offered pay close to 40% in taxes yearly for this ';free'; healthcare (for those needing me to speak slower: for every $10 you make, $4 go to taxes). In addition, patients don't have a choice in their physician - you are assigned based on the neighborhood you live in. Unless you pay for ';private care'; (i.e., paying out of pocket), it may take you months to see a physician. Once you get in, the quality of care received isn't the same. The system in these countries have become so clogged with patients, that doctors are now delaying treatment to people who aren't urgent: the elderly, the obese, the smoker, etc. The rationale is that if you can't bother to take care of yourself, we won't bother treating you right away.
While I believe a change in this area is needed, part of that change needs to be putting the doctors back in charge of patients' health, not for-profit insurance companies.
';If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.';Who do some people fall for false promises of 麓free麓 healthcare by Hillary?
They've been sapped of their free will by the empty promises of 'Big Gubment'.
I feel bad for them.
because they are lazxy and selfish
most people think that they have a right to the money you and I earn, just because they made bad decisions intheir lives or they are too lazy to actually work for something
all of these entitlement prograsms are just vote buying schemes and the lazy scumbags that overpopulate our nation are more than happy to elect a commie that only seeks power if they can get some of your hardearned money for free
the federal governments powers are clearly spelled out in the constitution and providing free healthcare to lazy vermin is not among their powers
I was not surprised when the stats on Hillary voters came out - they tend to be less educated than Obama supporters. Sorry, but you'd have to be an idiot to believe anything that woman says. She says things that sound good to ';the little guy.'; But if they took the time to think about the logistics of all her ';free'; stuff, they'd realize she is full of horsey poo.
Because these are the same sheep that think when the government needs money the government just prints it...they do not understand taxation and explaining it to them is a colossal waste of time.
Obama's plan is not much better:
Here's more to the Obama health plan, as described by Obama himself in the first democratic presidential debate. Summarized...Obama stipulates that the following four (4) parties will pay equally for his health plan:
1. The Federal Government
2. The State Governments
3. Employers (Business)
4. Employees (Consumers/Tax payers)
Now I ask where does the Federal Government get its money? Answer by raising taxes. Who pays those taxes? You guessed it Employers and Employees. Where do the Employers get the money to pay the taxes? It's not comming out of their profits, so they raise the cost of the products/services they offer. Where do State Governments get their money? Yep, you guessed it by collecting taxes. Who pays those taxes? Once again it's the Employer and Employee. Do you really think that the Employers are going to cut into their profits for this tax? Nope that ';saving'; is passed onto the consumer (tax payer). How do the Employers make money? By selling good/services to the consumer (Employees/tax payers). So who is really paying for Obama's health care plan? The hard working, tax paying American citizen. Now do you really want to pick up the tab for all the free loaders (I'm not talking about retired seniors, you know people that have actually contributed) that either don't work, pay taxes, or some combination of both? Is it ';fair'; to make hard working, tax paying people pay for that burden?
I will believe her for three months or until Denver
They can't even track the money were supposed to get for Social Security and people want to buy into a National Health care program with the government in charge????
How thick can you get????
David you can find a job if you want to= go to wallmart to MacDonald's join the Army I'm sure they will take you real fast
I cant. I don't have a job. I've been looking for a job since October and can't find one that provides health care benefits, so it's only fair that you and all the rest of the tax payers pay for mine.
Martha: No one will hire me cause I weigh 400 lbs, I'm in my late 50s, and I have real bad arthritis in both knees, so I can't stand up all day like I would have to at WalMart or Mickey Ds. I can't work and I don't have any health insurance. Don't you think it's only right that taxpayers take care of me?
The lazy slobs see EVERYTHING coming from the government to be ';free';. THEY have plenty of money.....
Trouble is.... THEIR money is OUR TAXES.... and I pay too much.
The last thing I want is to over pay for a service...but thats what you get. The average split for a government run project is - 20% to the intended purpose; 80% to the administration.
That's a LOT of money that has to come in before you get $100 of ';free'; government aid..... but the lazy bums don't care. They stick their hands out without any hesitation.
Because they would rather something be given to them instead of working for it.
Because some day you may need to have health care as many people do in this country. Your Mr. Bush spent trillions of dollars on an illegal war. That could have been spent for health care for everyone for over 20 years. Think about that! Instead we got 4,000 dead soldiers and 40,000 wounded soldiers. Who pays for that???? Not to smart are you?
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